Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Purpose of a King

"When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, and you possess it and live in it, and you say, 'I will set a king over me like all the nations who are around me,' you shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses, one from among your countrymen you shall set as king over yourselves; you may not put a foreigner over yourselves who is not your countryman. Moreover, he shall not multiply horses for himself, nor shall he cause the people to return to Egypt to multiply horses, since the Lord has said to you, 'You shall never again return that way.' He shall not multiply wives for himself, or else his heart will turn away; nor shall he greatly increase silver and gold for himself." -Deuteronomy 17.14-17

In the book of 1 Samuel the people get to the point where they want a king to rule over them. At that time God warns them of what a king will do and be like, and tells Israel that they do not need a king because He is their King. The people refuse to listen and so God appoints for them a king. Here in Deuteronomy 17 God lays out some guidelines for a king to follow.

The king Israel appoints is to be one of their own, and chosen by God. He is not to use the position to acquire wealth and possession. He is not to take multiple wives, not even to secure treaties with other nations. With these instructions we can learn a few things about God's intention for a king.

Primarily, being king is about serving the people you lead, not the other way around. A king is not to oppress his subjects to make his own life comfortable, but rather subject himself to them, doing whatever he can to better their lives. A foreigner doesn't care about people they aren't part of.

Because a king's primary purpose is to serve others, he is not to use his position to increase his wealth or his possessions. He is not to compromise the security, or freedom, of his people to advance himself. His role is to protect his people, not his rule. His focus is not to be on bettering his own life, but the lives of his people.

A king is not to take the easy way out. The simplest way to secure a friendship with a foreign nation was to marry a relative of another king. But in doing this it welcomed pagan influence into the home of the king. A king is to trust God and lead his people in trusting God. He is to provide for the security of his nation by protecting his integrity and the worship of God.

Look over the past few centuries, how many kings/presidents/leaders like that have their been?

Men, what kind of king are you? last year in the study of The Way of the Wild Heart we looked at the stage of king that every man is born to play, and as we've stated here, a king is in place to serve those he leads. Are you using your position to better the lives of those who are leading? Or have you taken advantage of your position to better your own life?

All men have been chosen by God to be kings in some capacity. Let us strive to be good kings who serve the people.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Just Leaders

"You shall appoint for yourself judges and officers in all your towns which the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment. You shall not distort justice; you shall not be partial, and you shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and perverts the words of the righteous. Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue, that you may live and possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you." -Deuteronomy 16.18-20

When the people settle in the land they are to appoint leaders in each town that will be focused on righteous judgment. They will not distort justice in favor of the rich or the poor. They will not allow themselves to be bought off, but will simply focus on what the right thing to do is. This type of leadership will allow them to live and possess the Promised Land.

Righteous justice is an essential characteristic of a leader. It is about doing what is right, always. This type of leader is one that everyone can trust. They know that he will not side with someone simply because of their status, but because of what is just. This type of leader has impeccable character that stand firm at all times. This is the type of leader every man should strive to be.

Men, are you a leader who refuses to distort justice? It does not have to be on a large scale, in your families, do you show partiality? Is there one child that always gets away with everything? Maybe it is on a large scale, do you refuse to compromise on what is right, or are you willing to overlook some things to get ahead? What kind of leader do you want? What kind of leader will you strive to be? What kind of example will you set for those who follow you, be it children, people you mentor, or even random strangers who work under you?

Let us be just leaders who value righteous justice above all else. May we never compromise on doing what is right. May we be men who pursue only justice.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Friday, November 28, 2014

What We've Been Given

"Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you." -Deuteronomy 16.17

When the men appeared before God for the three feasts they were not to come open handed. But God doesn't demand that everyone give a certain amount, everyone is to give as they are able. God blesses people, and it is from the blessings of God that they are to give back to Him.

God does not expect us to give Him what we do not have. But what we have been blessed with we are to use for Him. God blesses us with the ability to work and earn an income, so we give part of it back to Him. God blesses us with talents and abilities, and so we use them for His glory and to build His Kingdom.

Men, are you giving to God as you are able? Are you offering what He has given you for His service? God does not expect you to use gifts you do not have. But what He has given you, you need to offer back to Him.

Let us give what we are able. Let us seek to bless God as He has blessed us. Let us give back from what we've been given.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Thursday, November 27, 2014

As a Family

"and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God, you and your son and your daughter and your male and female servants and the Levite who is in your town, and the stranger and the orphan and the widow who are in your midst, in the place where the Lord your God chooses to establish His name... and you shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter and your male and female servants and the Levite and the stranger and the orphan and the widow who are in your towns." -Deuteronomy 16.11, 14

There were three yearly feasts that the nation of Israel was required to celebrate in remembrance of all that God had done. Passover to remember their deliverance from Egypt, the Feast of Weeks to remember the giving of the law at Mount Sinai, and the Feast of Booths to celebrate the harvest. For these three holidays they were to travel to the place God would choose, Jerusalem, and celebrate. Here Moses tells them that they are to celebrate as a family.

It was not simply about celebrating what God had done, but about celebrating as a family. Children were to be included, and invited to share in what God had done. The celebration was about remembering what God had done. It was a chance to praise God, and tell new generations what God had done in the past.

So much of the Pentateuch is about stories of God's works being passed down from father to son. This only happens in the context of a relational family where dad is present and involved. If dad simply goes to work, then sits in front of the TV all night, what is there to inspire his children to follow God? But if dad is involved in their lives, if they know he loves them, and if they see him passionately follow God, and then he invites them to be part of it there is something for them to be drawn to.

Men, what kind of father are you? Are you involved with your family? Do you model a faith in God that inspires them to follow Him? Are you inviting them to celebrate God with you?

Let us set an example for our families, and let us worship and celebrate Him as a family.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Not Empty-Handed

"If your kinsman, a Hebrew man or woman, is sold to you, then he shall serve you six years, but in the seventh year you shall set him free. When you set him free, you shall not send him away empty-handed. You shall furnish him liberally from your flock and from your threshing floor and from your wine vat; you shall give to him as the Lord your God has blessed you. You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you; therefore I command you this today." -Deuteronomy 15.12-15

Just as the people were to give generously to the poor, so are they to take care of their kinsman if they became their slave. After six years they were to be set free, but they were not to go empty-handed. They were to be supplied so that they could start on their own. The people are to remember that they were once slaves in Egypt, and that God freed them and blessed them with all that they have.

I couldn't stop thinking about these verses. We no longer have slavery in America, and the form that we did once practice was vastly different than that practiced in the Middle East during Bible times. But the concept of not sending someone who has served you away empty handed because of where you have come from is on my mind.

Israel had nothing when they started. As slaves, everything they owned belonged to Pharaoh. But when God delivered them, He set them free with the wealth of Egypt. He gave them everything as they began to start out on their own. And this same generosity that God showed them, He calls for them to show to each other. Again, God calls them to bless as they have been blessed.

What does this look like today? Honestly, I'm not totally sure. I think it begins with remember where you have come from, how you started, and then looking at all that God has blessed you with. Then look at how you are able to be a blessing to others.

Men, do you remember where you have come from? Do you see others in that same place? Are you willing to help them and bless them as God has blessed you?

May we never forget where we come from. May we seek to help those we can. May we bless as we have been blessed.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


"If there is a poor man with you, one of your brothers, in any of your towns in your land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand from your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks. Beware that there is no base thought in your heart, saying, 'The seventh year, the year of remission, is near,' and your eye is hostile toward your poor brother, and you give him nothing; then he may cry to the Lord against you, and it will be a sin in you. You shall generously give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings. For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, 'You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.'" -Deuteronomy 15.7-11

The people are about to enter the Promised Land, a place that is exceedingly good. God has provided a time of forgiveness with the seventh year, where all debt shall be erased. And Moses tells the people to generously give to the poor, regardless of what year it is. Moses tells them that if they do not give to the poor generously it will be sin, but that if they do, God will bless them in all they do.

We live in a day where many leech off of society. There are those who are fully capable, but refuse to work. The Bible is clear that this is not acceptable behavior (2 Thessalonians 3). But there are those who try hard, and simply cannot get by. The single mom who works three jobs. The young couple who simply can't catch a break. The elderly who are stuck in the system. I believe these are the poor we are called to generously help. There are those who try, who want to get by on their own, and then there are those who could, and yet they refuse.

God has blessed us so that we may be a blessing. He has been generous with us so that we may be generous with others. My wife and I fell into the second category I mentioned. We were trying our hardest, doing whatever we could, and yet we couldn't catch a break. I can't begin to thank the people who helped us out. Now we are in the position to bless others, and to be honest, it isn't always my first thought. My wife yes, she is one of the most generous people I know, but me I'm working on it.

Men, are you generous? I'm not saying to help every individual who asks for it, again there are people that want nothing but to take advantage of those who work, but when there is someone who genuinely needs help, are you willing to offer it? If you have been blessed, are you seeking to be a blessing? Or do you hoard what you have, refusing to give anything?

Let us strive to be generous. May we be a blessing, just as we have been blessed.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Monday, November 24, 2014


"You shall surely tithe all the produce from what you sow, which comes out of the field every year. You shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God, at the place where He chooses to establish His name, the tithe of your grain, your new wine, your oil, and the firstborn of your herd and your flock, so that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always." -Deuteronomy 14.22-23

Moses reminds the people that they are to give a tithe back to God. The people are to bring a portion of what the land produces and offer it to God. Grain, grapes, olives, and livestock were to be given back to God, because they are a gift from God. And in presenting a tithe to God they learn to fear God and to depend upon Him. Everything that they have is from God. He is the one who has given them the land, and He is the one who causes it to produce the crops that it produces. Without Him they have nothing.

We are in the same position. Everything we have is because of God. He is the one who allows us to work. He is the one who allows us to earn income. He is the one who goes above and beyond to provide for our needs, and wants. And He asks for a small tithe to be given out of gratitude to Him for all that He has provided.

Men, do you present your tithe to God? Do you offer back to Him some of what He has blessed you with? Do you live in a complete dependence upon God? If you aren't tithing I'm going to say that you aren't. The tithe represents something you could probably use, in some cases desperately, but in giving it to God you say, "I trust you to take care of me. I am grateful for what you have provided, and it is a joy to be able to give some back to You. Please continue to take care of me."

Everything we have is from God, and God could demand that we give the majority back to Him. But He doesn't. He allows us to keep a majority of what we have received, and requests a small amount. Let us not withhold from God. Let us joyfully offer, with gratitude, the tithe that God requests.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Sunday, November 23, 2014


"You shall not eat any detestable thing." -Deuteronomy 14.3

God had given His people dietary instructions for their benefit. There were certain animals they were not to eat because they were considered unclean. I am not a nutritionist, and so I can't begin to explain how exactly it works, but the animals God permitted as clean actually gave the Israelites a very healthy diet, and the ones that were omitted as unclean don't provide that. Think of it this way, bacon doesn't do you any favors, and the Jews were not to eat bacon.

God sets His people up for the best life possible in every way, including the diet they eat. He wants the best for His people, and so He sets guidelines for them so that they take care of themselves. He instructs them not to eat any detestable thing, because it's in their best interest not to.

My wife and I were in Israel in January of 2013, our guide, a Jewish man in his early sixties, didn't look much older than his mid to late forties, see the picture below. It's largely due to the Mediterranean diet they eat.

Men, God created the body to function a certain way, and it functions best when we take care of it as He instructed. What does your diet look like? Yes, I know that in the New Testament God gives Peter the sheet vision permitting all animals to be eaten, but that isn't an excuse not to take care of our bodies.

I'll be honest, I have a big sweet tooth. The holiday season from Thanksgiving to Christmas is full of delicious, and unhealthy, sweet things to consume. As I've gotten older, and more aware of the fact that I'm not as young as I used to be, I've been hit with the reality of what am I putting into my body. I don't always do the best job, but I want to be better. Part of this is where my love of gardening has come from.

Let us take care of our bodies, starting with what we put in them. Let us honor God with what we eat.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Don't be Led Astray

"If your brother, your mother’s son, or your son or daughter, or the wife you cherish, or your friend who is as your own soul, entice you secretly, saying, 'Let us go and serve other gods' (whom neither you nor your fathers have known, of the gods of the peoples who are around you, near you or far from you, from one end of the earth to the other end), you shall not yield to him or listen to him; and your eye shall not pity him, nor shall you spare or conceal him. But you shall surely kill him; your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people." -Deuteronomy 13.6-9

Moses gives a warning to the people not to be led astray from God. First he mentions a prophet or dreamer who performs signs, and tells the people that if he tries to lead them away from God that they are not to believe it, and stone him. They are not to be led astray by a false prophet. But then Moses gets more personal.

If your brother, or child, or even your wife, or your closest friend try to lead you away from God, don't give in, and kill them. When it comes to family it could get tough. This isn't some stranger who has arisen and started randomly giving some message of another god, this is blood. But Moses says that if they are trying to lead them away from God, not to give in, and to kill them.

I'm not suggesting, and neither is the Bible, that we go around and kill our family members or friends who have different beliefs than we do. But if they continually try to lead us away from God, we need to sever the relationship. If they are trying to pull us from God, we need to pull away from them. Now that being said, this is not grounds for divorce, or child abandonment. We must lead our families, our wives and children, to love and serve God. We must set the example for what is true, and lead them into it.

Men, are you setting the example for your family? Are you leading them into the truth of God? What happens when people try to lead you astray? Do you stand firm in your faith, setting an example of Christlikeness? Or do you cave and give in? If it comes to it, we must be willing to sever friendships to protect our relationship with God, but we must continue to pray for them, trusting God to transform their lives.

Let us stand firm in the truth of God. May we never be led astray, not even by those closest to us.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Friday, November 21, 2014

Whose Eyes

"You shall not do at all what we are doing here today, every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes;" -Deuteronomy 12.8

Moses is instructing the people on how they are to live when they enter the land, and he tells them that when they do they are to live according to God's statutes. Israel has not been living this way, as Moses says, every man is doing whatever is right in his own eyes. What is right in the eyes of man may not be what is right in the eyes of God.

God's standards of righteousness and holiness are very daunting. Over the past few years I've started to pick up on the idea humans have of doing, "good enough". There is the idea that living in a way that does not cause destruction and unnecessary pain in the lives of others should be good enough for God. They live with the idea that no one is perfect but if I just try my best than that should be fine. Looking through human eyes that sounds fine, but God sees things differently. He sees things according to His standard of holiness.

And then there is the negative side of doing what is right in our own eyes. There is the selfish tendency of, this makes me happy, this is what I want, I don't care what God says, or who I hurt to get it. The standard is personal happiness and satisfaction, not holiness, but this lifestyle has no desire to be holy.

Men, whose eyes are you looking at life through? Are you striving to live according to God's holy standards, or finding that too hard, are living for this should be good enough? Are you living your life selfishly or selflessly? Is your mindset, this is what makes me happy, or this is what is right? Whose eyes are you looking through?

Let us look through God's eyes. Let us see His standards of holiness and strive to live them out. God desires for us to be holy people, and He will empower us to live holy lives. Let us do what is right in God's eyes.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Guard Your Heart

"Beware that your hearts are not deceived, and that you do not turn away and serve other gods and worship them." -Deuteronomy 11.16

Over and over this warning is given in some form or another. The people are constantly warned not to be lead astray and follow after false gods, but to keep themselves faithful and obedient to God. Why does it keep coming up? Because people are quick to drop their guards and forget about what's out there.

The people have already had issues when it comes to following God in the wilderness. How many times have they wanted to go back to Egypt? How many times have the challenged the leadership? How many times have the rebelled against God? Even in the wilderness, with no pagan influence, they made an idol and worshiped it. How much more danger will the face as they enter a land that is full of idolatry? God warns His people over and over to guard their hearts, because He knows their inclination is to purse what is false, and He wants to protect them while leaving them with the ability to choose. So over and over they are given this warning.

It is crucial that we keep our guard up in our areas of weakness. Ten years ago a movie came out based on the events of the battle of the Alamo. In it Colonel Travis gives Davy Crockett the assignment of guarding an area of the fort that is in poor shape. The reason, Crockett and his men are the best marksmen there. They put their best effort into the weakest point to strengthen it. But we can't simply guard our weakest points and trust the strong areas to take care of themselves. Every area of our lives needs to be guarded.

Two years ago I got a call from an old college friend who needed to talk. As the conversation progressed he told me that he had been involved sexually with a girl he had been dating. As we talked he told me that it had never been something he had struggled with in college and that was why we hadn't talked about it before. At that point I realized that he had dropped his guard in an area he felt secure in. As soon as he did that, the enemy moved in and took him out.

Men, how are your defenses? Are there areas in your life that have grown weak over time? What are you doing about them? Are you putting your best efforts into strengthening them, or are you continuing to neglect them, making it easy for the enemy to get inside the walls? What about the other areas, the places you feel are strong and most secure? Are you paying attention to them as well? Or have you dropped your guard, feeling safe? It will only be a matter of time before the enemy makes his way in there. It will take some more time because it's well fortified, but even the strongest wall when left unmanned, is an open door.

Guard your hearts against every attack. Do not for a moment get comfortable and begin to relax. We live in a world at war. We have a real enemy. Every day he watches, waiting for a moment to strike. Don't give him that chance. Keep all areas of your life well defended.

Let us never drop our guards. May we never be led astray and taken out.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Circumcised Heart or Stiff Neck

"So circumcise your heart, and stiffen your neck no longer." -Deuteronomy 10.16

Israel already had circumcision, the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham, and an outward sign that set them apart from the rest of the world as God's people. But here Moses tells them to circumcise their hearts. They were not simply to be set apart by a physical sign, but by a changing of their character. They were to live differently than all the peoples of the earth. They were to be transformed and set apart in the core of their being, living differently as God's people. They were to live according to His statues of holiness, not simply have a physical mark on their bodies.

Moses also tells them to stiffen their necks no longer. They were not to be a stubborn and obstinate people. In the past they had refused to follow God. They had repeatedly decided to go their own way, do what they wanted, and all the time talked about going back to Egypt. They did not want to be led by God, and so they have been called a stiff necked people. They don't want to be controlled, they want to do their own thing. Moses tells them to no longer be stubborn, and bent on their own way, but instead to submit to God.

Men, is your heart circumcised? Have you been transformed the the Holy Spirit and set apart for God's use? Or is your neck stiff? Are you determined to do things your way and pursue your goals? You cannot have a circumcised heart and a stiff neck. You will either be set apart for God or fixed on your own desires. The choice is yours.

If we allow God to circumcise our hearts we are refusing to stiffen our necks. If we choose to be set apart for God we are denying our desires, and yielding to His plan. These are the only two options we have in life, a circumcised heart or a stiff neck. One allows God to work freely. It invites His presence into our lives, and along with that His blessings. The other refuses His help because it refuses to submit. One surrenders control, the other clings to it desperately.

Let us be people of circumcised hearts. Let us choose to submit to God and be led by Him.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What God Requires

"Now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require from you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the Lord’s commandments and His statutes which I am commanding you today for your good?... You shall fear the Lord your God; you shall serve Him and cling to Him, and you shall swear by His name. He is your praise and He is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen." -Deuteronomy 10.12-13, 20-21

God has requirements of His people. That they fear Him, walk in His ways, love and serve Him, and obey His standards and commands. In short, God requires total allegiance and obedience from those who follow Him, and the result is the good of those people. God alone is to be feared. He is who they shall serve and cling to. He is the reason they have to praise and rejoice because of who He is and the great things He has done for them. God requires the hearts of His people.

The thing with God, He is not a tyrant or a dictator. He does not demand that force all people to follow Him, and obey Him. He puts the offer out there, wanting people to count the cost and consider what is involved. He forces no one to follow Him, but when someone does decide, freely, to follow Him, He requires absolute allegiance. But He returns this allegiance with His presence, and blessings of goodness.

Men, are you willing to submit to God? Are you willing to fear Him, walk in all His ways, and love Him? Are you willing to serve Him with all that you are? God will not force you to follow Him, although one day every knee will bow before Him and give Him the worship that He must receive (Philippians 2). Are you willing to submit to God and receive the goodness He has for your life?

Let us do all that God requires, and in that let us be solely devoted to Him. Let us live in His presence, and serve Him fully.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Monday, November 17, 2014

God Goes First

"Hear, O Israel! You are crossing over the Jordan today to go in to dispossess nations greater and mightier than you, great cities fortified to heaven, a people great and tall, the sons of the Anakim, whom you know and of whom you have heard it said, 'Who can stand before the sons of Anak?' Know therefore today that it is the Lord your God who is crossing over before you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them and He will subdue them before you, so that you may drive them out and destroy them quickly, just as the Lord has spoken to you." -Deuteronomy 9.1-3

As Moses talks to the people he reminds them of the greatness of the inhabitants of the land. They are mighty and live it strong walled cities. It was this same information brought back by the spies forty years ago that has put them in this place at this moment. Four decades earlier the people had decide that the risk was too great and that going back to Egypt was a better idea. And now when the time comes to try again, Moses reminds them again about the people, but tells them that God is going ahead of them to prepare the victories for Israel.

Israel is not leading the charge. They will not be the first ones to charge the gates, or storm the walls. God is going first, and all Israel has to do is follow Him to victory. God never loses, and He always keeps His promises. He has promised to bring Israel into this land, and He is going ahead of them to deliver on that promise. The people simply have the faith to follow Him.

Men, we all face battles and difficulties. We all face giants who are secure behind strong fortified walls. But if the battle is one that God has led us into, He has already prepared the victory. We simply need to have the courage to follow as He leads, and obey His orders. God goes first and leads the charge.

Now I need to clarify, not all the battles we fight are God's battles. There are times we decide to lead our own charge and storm a castle that God does not intend for us to take. We might attain victory, but it isn't a victory that God desires. May we seek to only follow His leading. May we seek His will on what battles we are to fight, and save our strength for those.

God goes first, leading His people into battle. Let us courageously follow Him and receive the victory that He has prepared.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Sunday, November 16, 2014


"Therefore, you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him. For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, flowing forth in valleys and hills; a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey; a land where you will eat food without scarcity, in which you will not lack anything; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills you can dig copper. When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you. Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am commanding you today... But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. It shall come about if you ever forget the Lord your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I testify against you today that you will surely perish. Like the nations that the Lord makes to perish before you, so you shall perish; because you would not listen to the voice of the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 8.6-11, 18-20

Moses tells Israel that they are going to make it. Their hardships will end and they will enjoy an abundance. They are about to enter a good land where all of their needs will be more than satisfied. And he reminds them to remember God.

When things are going well, it is easy to forget God. It is easy to forget about the hard times and think there is a sense of security in the present situation. But we must never forget God. We must never forget what God has brought us through, or what He has provided, and that all of the goodness that surrounds us is a result of His blessings. When we forget God it is easy to take credit for what we have, and when that happens we tell God we don't need Him, that we never really needed Him. That is a dangerous place to be.

I remember a conversation I had with a coworker close to a year ago. I was telling him about all my wife and I had been through in the past few years, but at the end I told Him how God had provided and taken care of us, putting us in the position we were now it. I'll never forget what he said to me. "You did that. You got yourself through. Take credit for it."

That is something I cannot do. If it wasn't for God's presence and provision, I would still be where I was, and without the healing moments I had experienced in that time. And if I don't give God the credit that He alone warrants, I am saying to Him, "I don't need you, really I never needed you. I've had this, and I'll take it from here." And with that response, God will step back and say, "Ok, you take things from here." I don't want to go there.

Men, you may not be struggling, maybe you have made it. Are you remembering how God has brought you to this point? Do you remember the hardships that you faced leading up to this? Are you praising God daily for where He has brought you, and what He has brought you through?

I'll be honest, this is a struggle for me at times. I'm not taking credit for where my life is right now, but it is easy to get comfortable and go days, weeks even, without thanking God simply for how well life is going. I don't want to be like that, because the longer I'm comfortable, the sooner it is that I begin to take credit for things. I don't want to go a day without thanking God for where He has brought me, and what He has sustained me through.

Throughout the book of Deuteronomy Moses is constantly reminding the people of where they have been, in the hope that when everything is good they don't forget all that God has done. May we always remember where God has brought us, and how He has blessed us. Never forget.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Goodness of God

"You shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. Your clothing did not wear out on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years. Thus you are to know in your heart that the Lord your God was disciplining you just as a man disciplines his son." -Deuteronomy 8.2-5

As the people prepare to enter all of the goodness of the land, Moses again calls to mind the forty years of wandering. He reminds them that during that time God humbled them and tested them, seeing if they would trust Him and obey Him. During that time He provided for them both with food, and making their clothing last. But the wilderness itself was punishment for disobedience and lack of trust. But even in the discipline the people were able to see the goodness of God.

The people had refused to trust, deciding that they knew the best course of action for their lives. But upon seeing the consequences of their lack of faith, they decided that it was safe to trust God. He allowed them to face defeat, and the forty years of wandering began (Numbers 14). God humbles them, remind them that they are His people, and that He is God, not the other way around. They will obey Him willingly, or they will be disciplined out of His love.

But it is crucial to note that even during the discipline, God's love shines through. His discipline does not mean He is absent, or uncaring, simply that He is trying to teach them something and remind them of who He is. During the time of discipline they did not enjoy the blessings of the land, but they did receive the blessings of God's provision. He sustained them with food that they didn't produce or even know what it was. He made their clothing and footwear last for forty years. Even while they were being punished, God was with them.

Men, do you know that God is good? Do you know that His discipline is a result His love, and that He shows it by taking care of us even when He disciplines us? Discipline does not mean that God does not care, simply that we are being prepared, and tested, for His full blessings.

Let us embrace the discipline of God, knowing that it is for our own good, and in that discipline, let us see the goodness of God.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Same God

"If you should say in your heart, 'These nations are greater than I; how can I dispossess them?' you shall not be afraid of them; you shall well remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt: the great trials which your eyes saw and the signs and the wonders and the mighty hand and the outstretched arm by which the Lord your God brought you out. So shall the Lord your God do to all the peoples of whom you are afraid. Moreover, the Lord your God will send the hornet against them, until those who are left and hide themselves from you perish. You shall not dread them, for the Lord your God is in your midst, a great and awesome God." -Deuteronomy 7.17-21

Forty years earlier the people fled from the Promised Land out of fear because of the inhabitants, or perhaps it is more appropriate to say, from a lack of faith in God. Here, at the beginning of the second attempt, Moses reminds them not to fear. He calls to memory what God did to the Egyptians, and says that the same God who brought them out of Egypt will bring them into the Promised Land.

It is not that this conquest will be easy, short, or safe. Moses tells them that it will take a while, and it is going to involve battles. But God is going to be with them, giving them victory, as they claim His promises. He simply calls them to remember God's faithfulness and victory in the past, so that they can march forward in boldness instead of fleeing in fear.

Men, what victories has God brought you in the past? What has He delivered you from? What are you facing now? The same God who was with you in the past will be with you now. The same God who had your back before has it now. The same God who delivered you desires to do it again. The question is do you trust Him to do it, and believe that He is able to?

The same God who has been with you every step of your journey is with you now. He will never leave you or abandon you. May we be men who fully trust Him. Let us remember His faithfulness, and boldly move forward.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blessed to Bless

"Then it shall come about, because you listen to these judgments and keep and do them, that the Lord your God will keep with you His covenant and His lovingkindness which He swore to your forefathers. He will love you and bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock, in the land which He swore to your forefathers to give you. You shall be blessed above all peoples; there will be no male or female barren among you or among your cattle. The Lord will remove from you all sickness; and He will not put on you any of the harmful diseases of Egypt which you have known, but He will lay them on all who hate you." -Deuteronomy 7.12-15

The section heading for this passage in, and the ones following it, is "Promises of God". In reading this is sounds good, and it would be very easy to take this as Prosperity Gospel. But this is not saying do this, this, and this, and then God will bless you with what you want. Remember, God blesses us so that we can in turn bless others. Blessed to be a blessing, that's how this works.

Here God is sharing the results of living as His holy people. If we live faithfully and obediently before God, then God will keep us in His lovingkindness. He will bless and multiply us, again so that we can bless others. Our children, the work of our hands, and all that we do, will be blessed if we remain faithful to God. God says that those who live under His covenant will be blessed above all peoples, so that they can bless all peoples. God blesses those who live faithfully and obediently to Him so that they can bless others.

Men, are you living in a way that invites God's blessing? Are you living as a blessing to others? God desires to bless those who are faithful to Him, out of His lovingkindness, so that they may in turn bless others with His loveingkindess.

Let us live in a way that can receive the blessings of God, and let us in turn bless others.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Get Rid of Sin

"When the Lord your God brings you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you, and when the Lord your God delivers them before you and you defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them and show no favor to them. Furthermore, you shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughters to their sons, nor shall you take their daughters for your sons. For they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods; then the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you and He will quickly destroy you. But thus you shall do to them: you shall tear down their altars, and smash their sacred pillars, and hew down their Asherim, and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth." -Deuteronomy 7.1-6

Again Moses gives an instruction and warning, from God, to the people. In short the instruction is to destroy all the people in the land, and the warning is that is they don't they will be led astray and destroyed. The message, "Get rid of sin or it will consume you."

The nations in the land were greater and stronger than Israel. Their influence could be very persuasive. God will deliver them over to Israel, and Israel is to completely destroy them. They are not to show mercy, let alone make a covenant with them, or intermarry with them. If they allow the people of the land to have any say, the sinful ways and pagan practices will have a chance to lead Israel astray.

Men, if we give sin a chance it will consume us. When we make exceptions with potentially compromising situations or circumstances, it is only a matter of time before they get out of control. If we allow any hint of sin it will take over our lives.

Let us get rid of all in. Let us refuse to let it have any foothold in our lives. God commanded Israel to destroy all the people and every hint of pagan worship. Israel doesn't end up listening and it causes a lot of hardship for them. May we never fall into the same trap. Let us get rid of all sin so that we can live as holy men before God.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Don't Test God

"You shall not put the Lord your God to the test, as you tested Him at Massah." -Deuteronomy 6.16

Here Moses gives a command that Jesus later quotes when He is tempted by the devil in the wilderness. The idea of testing here is based on proving something because the ability is doubted. The Hebrew word spoken by Moses is nacah and what is being said is do not put God to the test by making Him prove that He is able or powerful. Do not put God to the test because you doubt He can come through. Do not make God prove that He has what it takes.

This testing comes from a lack of faith and trust. It is seeing if God is worthy of our trust and obedience. Moses commands the people not to do this. Up to this point he has been reminding them of all that God has done and brought them through. He has recalled how God delivered, provided for, and protected them from Egypt until this point. He tells reminds them of God's continued presence and mercy in their lives, and tells them not to test God because He has already proven Himself in all that He has done to get them to this point.

God will prove Himself trustworthy, or rather has already proven Himself trustworthy. He created a perfect world that humanity messed up, and rather than leaving us with what we brought on ourselves, He immediately began the work of restoration and redemption. This culminated with the cross and empty tomb. He has poured out blessings constantly since the beginning, and continues to provide. There is no reason, and no excuse, to doubt God's goodness or power, and we are not to ever put Him to the test because we doubt Him.

Men, is your life lived in faith and trust of God, or are you constantly putting Him to the test? You think, yes God came through in the past, but this is different. The stakes are higher this time, the problem is bigger or more desperate. God if you come through for me this time, then I'll trust you. Then I'll know you're good.

As with Jesus, when He faced the temptation that resulted in this being quoted, this type of thinking leads to a works based belief that constantly has to be one upped in order to sustain itself. It is based on, and rooted in, powerful displays that grab the attention of an audience and keep them coming back for more. But it cannot be sustained, and it is not how God works.

Let us never put God to the test. He has given no reason to doubt Him, that is Satan trying to tempt us and lead us astray. It has been his tactic since the beginning. It worked then, and it still works now. May we believe in the goodness of God, embrace His love, and trust Him always, knowing that He has our best interest at heart.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Monday, November 10, 2014

Fear God

"You shall fear only the Lord your God; and you shall worship Him and swear by His name." -Deuteronomy 6.13

Before I begin I want to recommend a DVD series that Francis Chan did a couple of years back called Basic. The first one is called "Fear God" and does a fantastic job, in typical Chan fashion, of pointing out what the Bible says and how it is to apply to our journey of faith.

The people have seen God do great things. They witnessed ten plagues in Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea. They ate manna and quail in the wilderness and drank water from rocks. They witnessed God lead them in the fire and the cloud, and heard Him speak from the same. And if you remember when they heard God at speak at the mountain, they were terrified. They are about to enter a land full of strong people, and Moses tells them to fear only God.

They have witnessed God overpower Egypt and deliver them. They have been in His presence and scared to death. In all honesty, why would they be afraid of anything else. God is the most terrifying thing they would ever encounter because of His power and holiness, but they are on His side because of the covenant He has invited them into. They are to march boldly forward because God is with them, and they have nothing to fear.

Men, what do you fear? Why? If you are on God's side why are you afraid? There is nothing to fear but God, for He alone is all powerful. He alone is holy and righteous. It is His standard that we are given. What else is there to fear? And it is important to note that God tells us to "fear not".

John Wesley said, "Give me three hundred people who fear nothing but God, and hate nothing but sin, and I will set this world on fire." May we be among the three hundred. Let us fear nothing but God and hate nothing but sin so that the world may be set ablaze.

I realize all of this is a bit vague and simple, which is why I recommended Chan's teaching at the beginning.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Don't Forget

"Then it shall come about when the Lord your God brings you into the land which He swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you, great and splendid cities which you did not build, and houses full of all good things which you did not fill, and hewn cisterns which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant, and you eat and are satisfied, then watch yourself, that you do not forget the Lord who brought you from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." -Deuteronomy 6.10-12

The nation of Israel is about to enter the Promised Land, and when they do they will receive amazing blessings from God. Cities they did not build, houses full of things they didn't acquire. Water cisterns ready for use, and vineyards and olive trees ready for harvest. It is crucial that in the moment when they begin to enjoy all of it that they don't forget God who gave it all to them. They used to be slaves, owning nothing, but soon they will be part of a great nation, with riches and possessions that only could have come from God.

How easy it is to fall into this trap. We need God desperately for something, He comes through, and as soon as He does we forget about Him. Or it could be more gradual. We start out passionate about God, but gradually we start to make it and get ahead. Slowly we begin to forget about God. We forget about where we started, how we had nothing and struggled just to survive. We begin to look at all we have gained, and forget the one who brought us from nothing into everything.

Maybe it isn't that you forget about God and stop surviving Him. Maybe you simply stop thanking Him for all that He has done. At the beginning you were grateful, and relieved, and now it just becomes ordinary and everyday. God provided but it was so long ago now that this has become the norm for life. Moses warned the people never to get comfortable and forget where God brought them from and what He brought them into .

Men, do you remember where you have come from? Do you remember the days when you were just starting out and struggling to make it? Do you remember how God provided for your needs then, and how He has come to bless you now? Maybe you're still struggling, and can only hope and long for the day that I'm talking about. Don't ever forget the struggles you are facing. Don't ever forget how God sustained you in this time. Don't ever stop thanking Him for all that He has done.

May we never forget what God has brought us through, and may we never stop thanking Him for bringing us where we are.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Greatest Contribution

"Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." -Deuteronomy 6.4-9

Nearly two years ago I had the chance to stand on top of Mount Nebo and there I heard one of the most brilliant biblical minds give insights into the final days of the life of Moses. Here in Deuteronomy 6 we find the most important teaching for the Jewish nation. This section of scripture is known as the Shema.

Moses tells them that God is one and they shall love Him with their whole being. The words that he is sharing shall be on their hearts and taught to their children diligently. They shall always be discussed, and bound on their hands and foreheads. They shall be written on the doorposts of their houses. And there is a branch of the Jewish nation that still follows this today. They wear phylactery boxes on their foreheads and right arms. They place mezuzahs on the doorposts of their houses. These containers hold the words of Deuteronomy 6.4-9 and serve as a reminder of the teaching of Moses given here.

I say all of that to point out that Moses' greatest contribution came when he didn't expect it. Moses had hoped to enter the land with the people, to lead them as they took possession of it. But because of an act of disobedience he was forbidden to. He doesn't sulk and waste away, but continues to lead them and is used by God. This teaching he gives them still impacts the nation of Israel to this day.

Men, you don't know when you will make your greatest contribution, but most likely it will come when you least expect it to. The question you must answer is are you willing to remain faithful to God, and be available for His service, no matter what?

Had Moses refused to continue to lead the people because he couldn't enter the land, he wouldn't be remembered as the great leader he was. He never would have made this impact that has lasted for thousands of years. Our greatest impact can come at a time and place when we least expect it. Are we willing to remain faithful so it happens?

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Jewish men and boys praying at the Wailing Wall with their phylactery boxes in place

Friday, November 7, 2014

With You

"The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Horeb. The Lord did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us, with all those of us alive here today. The Lord spoke to you face to face at the mountain from the midst of the fire," Deuteronomy 5.2-4

Moses is about to recount the Ten commandments to the nation of Israel, reminding them of the covenant God made with them at Mount Horeb. And he quickly reminds the people that this covenant was not made with their forefathers, but with them personally. God spoke with them, face to face, and made this covenant with them.

In Wild at Heart John Eldredge points out how even the best earthly father can only take his children so far in their journey with God. There comes a point where they must leave the father and pursue God on their own. They must develop their own relationship with Him and begin to hear Him speaking to them personally.

Here Moses is telling the people that they no longer depend on stories of Abraham's day that have been passed down for centuries. They have seen the power of God first hand as He brought them out of Egypt and guided them through the wilderness. But they have also heard directly from Him. They have been invited into something bigger by God Himself. God has spoken with them personally.

Men, God wants you to have a relationship with Him. Regardless of what your parents believe or taught you, God wants to speak with you and teach you. God wants you to be in a personal relationship with Him and learn to communicate with Him. There are things that He wants to teach you about Himself that you can learn no where else except from Him. Do you want a personal relationship with Him?

God desires for each of us to know Him personally. He seeks each of us directly and wants to take us deeper. Our faith must be more than our parent's faith.

Let us learn to hear from God and speak with Him. Let us realize that God wants something personal with each of us.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Seeking God

"But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul." -Deuteronomy 4.29

In the last several verses Moses has been reminding the people of when they received the Ten Commandments and with them God's standards. He instructs them to keep them, even though he will not be crossing over the Jordan with them. And as he gives these instructions he reminds them of what will happen if they disobey. God will allow them to be destroyed and scattered throughout the world. But even in that there is hope for Israel because of the covenant God has made with the nation.

In verse 29 Moses tells them that if they will seek God when they are spread across the world, few in number, that God will be found by them. Now this is not simply a prayer asking for God's help, this is deep and meaningful pursuit of God. They must search for God with all of their heart and all of their soul. They must desperately seek after God with humility, repentance, and their very being. That is not a search God remains hidden from.

This instruction appears later in Jeremiah 29.13, when the people are in exile for their disobedience. And it is important to note how intense this pursuit of God must be. Think about how God has pursued man up to this point in scripture. He has created them, called them into three covenants, instituted a sacrificial system to save them from sin, and made His presence available through the Tabernacle. Fast forward to the present day and you can add the death and resurrection of Jesus, the sending of the Holy Spirit, and the written Word of God contained in the Bible.

Men, do you seek God? Are you searching for Him intensely and passionately? Would you call it searching with all your heart and soul?

If you're in a relationship, married or dating, think of the way you pursued your spouse/girlfriend. When I first started dating my wife I would call and text her to let her know I was thinking of her. I'd send flowers and write notes. And then we got married and gradually those things became few and far between. I hate that, and I'm trying to be better and much more intentional about continuing to pursue her. Often though that's what happens, we get the girl so we stop trying. The same can be said of God. We search for Him, find Him, and then we stop the pursuit. This is not the way it should be. The pursuit must continue.

God has greatly pursued man, and so man's pursuit of God must be just as great. Because of all that God has done, He will not settle for a half hearted, casual seeking. If we would seek God we must search for Him with all of our heart and soul. We must pursue Him daily.

Let us seek God as intensely and passionately as He has pursued us. May we never stop.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Remember and Pass it on

"Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your sons and your grandsons." -Deuteronomy 4.9

Moses has given encouragement to live obediently to God and live according to His statutes. This lifestyle will bring the presence of God, and will stand out in the world of pagan nations. But this task is not done lightly, and in fact it is only because of the presence of God that it is even possible.

Here, in verse 9, Moses uses strong words. Heed means "to give careful attention to" and diligent is "constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything". He tells them to focus on their lives, and to constantly guard their souls so that they do not forget all that God has done. The reminder of God's faithfulness inspires obedience to Him in the future. Remembering how He has come through reminds us that He is trustworthy. Knowing how greatly He has blessed and provided in the past assures us that He will come through again, if we remain faithful.

And it is not simply for themselves, they are to pass it on to their children, and grandchildren. The stories of God's faithfulness are intended to be passed down. I believe this is part of the reason God has given us the Bible, it recounts the great deeds He performed for His people. At the same time, God's best days are not behind Him. The power displayed in Egypt and the wilderness, was not a one time thing. The stories passed down tell of what God has done, and shows what He is able to do.

Men, are you diligent over your soul? Do you take heed of your life? God has done great things in your life, you may not realize it until it's hindsight, but that makes hindsight such a wonderful gift. Don't allow yourself to forget about what God has done. If need be write them down, but always speak of them often. Make sure your children and grandchildren (literal and spiritual) know how God has been at work in your life. Let them see the faithfulness of God.

As we pass on the stories of the past it is crucial that we don't live there. Again, God's best days are not behind Him. The great things He has done in the past were simply the beginning. He will come through in greater ways and display greater power if we remain obedient to Him.

This is not prosperity gospel preaching, this is a testament of God's faithfulness and power. His best days were not thousands of years ago in the wilderness of the Middle East. If they were, is He really a God worth following? God's best days are yet to come, and we will see the restoration of all things, and then who knows what greatness eternity will bring.

Let us remember and retell all that God has done. May we never forget. May we never fail to pass it on.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Obedience Brings the Presence of God

"For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as is the Lord our God whenever we call on Him? Or what great nation is there that has statutes and judgments as righteous as this whole law which I am setting before you today?" -Deuteronomy 4.7-8

If Israel will continue in obedience to God, He will be with them. He will hear, and answer them when they call on Him, as a father answers his children. If they will live according to His standards His presence will be with them forever. There was no other nation that had a personal god who was involved in their daily lives. There was no other nation that was given the standards of righteousness like Israel was. They were set apart, and if they would remain obedient to God, He would be with them.

God wants to be near to His people, but they limit Him by living in disobedience to Him. God does not force His way in, He allows us to freely choose how we will live. We can choose to live as the world does, and fall short of God's standards. Or we can choose to live God's way, and as we do His presence is with us, empowering us to live according to His standards.

Men, if you desire the presence of God in your life, you must live obediently before Him. His way is the best way. His blessings are beyond measure. His presence brings these things to our lives, but in order to have it we must obey. God will be near to us, available whenever we call upon Him. And God will help us to live by His standards. In other words, God will help us to live obediently to Him.

Let us seek the presence of God, and live in such a way where God is near. Let us live obediently before Him.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Monday, November 3, 2014

Obedience Stands Out

"So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, 'Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.'" -Deuteronomy 4.6

Moses urges the nation to live in obedience to God as they enter the land. Not only will it lead to life, but it also will make the nation stand apart. It is wise to live obediently to God. To live according to His holy and righteous statutes is full of understanding. As the people live God's way others will take notice.

Living God's way is not the popular way. It demands discipline, submission, and certain limitations, but all of that is for the benefit of those who follow God. God is not mean, or a tyrant. It is not His desire to withhold all good things from us, as Satan convinced Adam and Eve in Genesis 3. God simply desires the very best for us, and when we live obediently to Him our lives look different.

Obedience to God seeks to live as God intended and that stands out. Living differently, and blessed, causes others to take notice. As they see God's presence and provision they cannot help but describe the way we live as wise. It is important to note that claiming to live as a Christ follower, and actually living as a Christ follower are different things. One brings the favor of God and draws others to Him; the other brings the label of hypocrisy and pushes people away from God.

Men, does your life stand out? Are you living a set apart life of obedience to God that others take notice of? Does they way you live draw others to the love and righteousness of God, or push them away from Him?

Let us strive to live obediently before God. It is wisdom to live according to God's statutes, and when we do others will take notice. Let us live lives that draw others to God.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Continued Obedience

"But you who held fast to the Lord your God are alive today, every one of you. 'See, I have taught you statutes and judgments just as the Lord my God commanded me, that you should do thus in the land where you are entering to possess it.'" -Deuteronomy 4.4-5

Moses has brought Israel to the edge of the Promised Land, and now he has been recounting the decades since they left Egypt. In that time he has shared God's teachings with them, yet there were those on the journey who refused to live by God's standards, and those who refused to trust Him. All of these acts of disobedience led to death, but those who trusted and obeyed have remained alive. Moses is urging the people to continue to live in obedience to God as they take possession of the land.

Obedience leads to life. When we live in faithful trust of God He watches over us. God's statutes are the best way to live, because God created life and His statutes are how He intended for life to be lived. When we obey Him we are living life in the best way. Following His statutes leads to His blessings, and it is crucial that once we receive His blessings we continue to live by His statutes.

It is common practice for people to make promises to God in hopes that He will do something for them, or give them something, but once they have it God is quickly forgotten. People pray for God's help with a difficult, or overwhelming, situation, but as soon as it's over they say to God, "I've got this from here." They begin to live as they did before the problem arose and won't think twice about God until they need Him again.

Moses did not want the people to follow God simply until Him until they got the reward of the Promised Land, and neither did God. His promise was to bring them into the land and be their God and they His people. The land is nothing without the presence of God. Moses urges the people to continue to live obediently before God.

Men, are you living in constant obedience to God? Is your life devoted to striving after His statutes and commands in order to live the best life that God has made possible? This way leads to life, provision and blessing.

It is crucial that we continue in obedience to God at all times. Obedience brings God's presence and blessing, and disobedience pushes it away. May we live in continued obedience to God.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

Saturday, November 1, 2014

What God Says

"Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I am teaching you to perform, so that you may live and go in and take possession of the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, is giving you. You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you." -Deuteronomy 4.1-2

As Israel prepares to enter the Promised Land God gives them instructions for them to live by so that they may enjoy the blessings that He has for them. He tells them that they are not to add to what God says, or to take away from it, but simply follow the commands that He gives them.

If we look all the way back to Genesis 3 we see both of these take place. When asked by the serpent what God said, "The woman said to the serpent, 'From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, "You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die."'" (Genesis 3.2-3) She adds words that God never said, making it seem as if He has limited them where He has not.

Adding words to what God has said allows the serpent to plant seeds of doubt, as he takes words away from God's commands. "The serpent said to the woman, 'You surely will not die!'" (Genesis 3.4) Now with God's commands tampered with the enemy works hard. He convinces them that God is holding back from them and then leads them to disobey God, bringing sin into the world and cursing it.

Here, God tells Israel to do just what He says. He isn't limiting them for enjoying the goodness that He has given, and so they need to not add words to His commands, (but they later did with the Mishnah). Adding words that God did not say put restrictions in place that God never intended and only keep us from fully enjoying His blessings. At the same time, we must never take words away from God's commands. When we do this we are in danger of taking His blessings too far and abusing them in sinful behavior.

Men, let us be careful to do what God has said. We don't need to be paranoid and put all these limitations that He never intended for us to have on ourselves. At the same time, we cannot neglect His commands because then we live life separated from Him.

May we always do what God says. Let us enjoy His blessings as He intended for us to.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor