"Then He said, 'Do not come near here; remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.' He said also, 'I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' Then Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God." Exodus 3.5-6
Moses has given in to curiosity, and now he has come face to face with God. And God tells him not to come closer, but to remove his sandals from his feet because he is on holy ground. He identifies Himself as the God of Moses' ancestors, and as Moses realizes what's going on he hides his face in fear of looking at God.
Men, do we have this kind of reverence? Most likely we haven't encountered God speaking to us through a burning bush in the wilderness, but we can enter into the presence of God and stand on holy ground. And when we come before God it is crucial that we do so vulnerable and humble.
I'm amazed at the arrogance and casual attitudes people take with God, or spiritual matters in general. How many times have you heard, or personally, referred to God as "The Big Guy" or "The Man Upstairs"? How often have we come to God with a front we've built trying to dominate? How often do people joke casually about Hell and Satan, almost making it seem as if they are looking forward to going there? There is no reverence for the spiritual realm, and with that no reverence for God.
When we seek to come before God we do it on His terms. We come to him "barefoot", open and exposed, vulnerable and just as we are. We don't come to God as posers and try to convince Him that we're something we're not. He says "Take off your sandals" come before Me as you are. Show Me that you're willing to be open and honest with Me.
And when we enter the presence of God we must do so with complete reverence. This is the creator of the universe; He spoke galaxies into existence, and yet He takes the time to converse with us. We are unworthy to look at Him, unable to stand before Him, and yet we are invited into a personal relationship with Him.
We are invited onto holy ground to meet with God, are you willing to take off your sandals?
"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
To God alone be the Glory!
Strength and Honor
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