"And all the skillful men who were performing all the work of the sanctuary came, each from the work which he was performing, and they said to Moses, 'The people are bringing much more than enough for the construction work which the Lord commanded us to perform.' So Moses issued a command, and a proclamation was circulated throughout the camp, saying, 'Let no man or woman any longer perform work for the contributions of the sanctuary.' Thus the people were restrained from bringing any more. For the material they had was sufficient and more than enough for all the work, to perform it." -Exodus 36.4-7
I'm not completely certain, but I think I can guess with some certainty that this is the only time this particular problem has occured. How many leaders, pastors included, do you know that would tell their people to stop giving to the project they were raising money for? Usually they have to keep asking for more and end up settling for much less than the original goal. But at this one point that isn't the case. The people were giving so much that they had more than enough, and they actually had to be restrained because they were still wanting to offer more.
If we had this problem today we wouldn't have so many single mothers. There wouldn't be so many children with workaholic fathers. Churches wouldn't be filled primarily with women. What would it look like if you personally gave more than enough?
It's not that God needs an abundance to accomplish His will. After all, He spoke the universe into existence from nothing. There is a song I found a few years ago by the Gaithers called "A Few Good Men". The song starts like this:
What this dying world could use is a willing Man of God
Who dares to go against the grain and works without applause;
A man who'll raise the shield of Faith, protecting what is pure;
Whose love is tough and gentle; a man whose word is sure.
God doesn't need an Orator who knows what just to say;
He doesn't need authorities to reason Him away;
He doesn't need an army to guarantee a win;
He just needs a Few Good Men.
God doesn't need a gifted orator, He was working with Moses who was slow to speak. He didn't need authorities to reason away His power, which is what Pharaoh tried to do with the magicians. He doesn't even need an army, all He needs is a few good men who are willing to stand, and offer what they have to the fight. The chorus follows:
Men full of Compassion, who Laugh and Love and Cry-
Men who'll face Eternity and aren't afraid to die-
Men who'll fight for Freedom and Honor once again-
He just needs a Few Good Men.
God simply is looking for a few good men who will trust Him, and offer what they have to His service. And He calls all of us, even those who feel that they have messed up too much to be used at all. Those who feel unworthy and that they have nothing to offer:
He calls the broken derelict whose life has been renewed;
He calls the one who has the strength to stand up for the Truth.
Enlistment lines are open and He wants you to come in-
He just needs a Few Good Men.
And the chorus follows a few more times. God does not need an abundance, simply a willing heart to offer what it can. He takes what is offered and uses it greatly. But what would happen if we gave more than enough?
Men, what are you offering to God? Financially are you giving whatever you have left after the bills, and your hobbies, are paid, or do you give to God first? With your time, are you giving whatever you have left between work and falling asleep exhausted, or are you setting aside specific time with God, sacrificing something else to be with Him? With your families, are you investing in them above yourself, giving your strength to guide them spiritually? With your gifts, are you offering them primarily to God so that His Kingdom may grow, or are you looking simply to advance your career?
Are we giving more than enough to God, or is He standing there asking us to give more? Remember, God will not share our hearts, it's all or nothing. Are we willing to offer Him all that He requires and then some, or are we trying to see how little we can get by with giving up? God only needs a few good men to stand and fight; a few good men who will give more than enough. Are you willing to be one of them?
"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
To God alone be the Glory!
Strength and Honor
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