"You shall not give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I am the Lord." -Leviticus 18.21
God is leading the people to the Promised Land, and in the middle of setting His standards for sex He gives an instruction about sacrifice. The Canaanites would engage in infant sacrifice. I can't get into the specifics of it, it's too difficult to think about. Just know that it was a horrible, barbaric practice, and God commanded His people to have nothing to do with it.
Already with Abraham, back in Genesis, we saw that human sacrifice was not something that God's Kingdom accepted, and here God says that it will profane His name. He has already instructed them about proper sacrifice and worship, and humans are to offer them, not be them.
As I've thought about this over the past 24 hours, I keep thinking about abortion, that would be the closest thing to infant sacrifice today. It's a barbaric practice that takes an innocent life, unable to defend itself. There is also a huge toll on the mother both physically and mentally, as I imagine there was back in the Canaanite times.
Men, we need to stand and defend the defenseless. I realize that this is another sensitive subject, but I think we handle it the same way we handle the sex issue, with love and kindness, but we can't sit by and do nothing. If you are the father of a child being considered for abortion, stand up and do something about it. Take your responsibility as a father and protect your child, no one else will.
Maybe you're not in that situation, but you can still do some things. One, pour into your children, and their friends. Teach them what God says about sex and life. Teach them to value these gifts that God has given. Let's work to raise up a holy generation that lives differently.
Two, you can adopt. I don't know exactly how this process works under these circumstances, but what if you and your spouse were to offer to adopt an unwanted child? You're saving a life, and putting faith in action. You're showing the love of God and living like Christ.
Let us stand up and defend the defenseless. Let us protect life, all life.
"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
To God alone be the Glory!
Strength and Honor
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