The time has come, Israel is crossing the Jordan, and God is going to exalt Joshua. He is going to show that He is with Joshua as He was with Moses, affirming that he is God's chosen leader. God is going to exalt him, all Joshua needs to do is trust Him, be strong and courageous, and move forward.
Too often leaders, even in the Church, try to advance themselves and make themselves stand out. I have seen so many people try to exalt themselves either with their resume, their ideas, or even their family history. They live to be exalted, and they will be whatever it takes to set themselves apart. And in their effort, they are causing God to humble them.
Have I personally fallen into this? Part of me would like to say no, but I know that isn't true. In my youth I was arrogant, maybe not outwardly but my heart definitely was. I thought I knew everything there was to know about ministry. I thought my life would be full of noteworthy ministry, and that people would seek my advice and counsel. It wasn't until God broke me of this that He began to change my heart, and in that, He began to prepare me for a time when He will exalt me.
Men, are you allowing God to exalt you, or are you trying to exalt yourself? Maybe you feel that right now God is humbling you, and that may be the case. I feel as though I am there right now. I feel that God is using this time to prepare me. He is seeing if I am willing to be strong and courageous. He is seeing if I will focus on what must be done. He is seeing if I will be an early riser who pursues the fulfillment of His promised blessings. The time for exaltation is coming, but we must remember that it is God's timing, and ultimately for God's glory.
God told Joshua that his exaltation was so that the people would know that He was with Joshua as He had been with Moses. Joshua's exaltation began with waters being miraculously parted. Just as the people escaped Pharaoh and Egypt by crossing through the Red Sea on dry ground, so now they enter the Promised Land by crossing the Jordan on dry ground. God performs a similar miracle so that the people know He has chosen Joshua to lead. And it is now the proper moment for the exaltation.
Let us be men who wait for God to exalt us. Let never try to force His hand, but humbly accept His training and wait on His timing. Let us be men who God exalts.
"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
To God alone be the Glory!
Strength and Honor
The eastern shore of the Jordan River near Jericho. Today, due to dams, the Jordan is a babbling brook compared to what it was at the time Israel crossed it. But you can still get an idea what they had to pass through. It was January, and so the water levels were low, but you can see where the water was during the rainy season as the banks were overflowing as the text describes.
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