The army has been assembled, and they are ready to go to war, but they are still greatly outnumbered. Verse 12 describes the enemy like locusts covering the valley, with camels as numerous as the sand on the sea shore. But these 32,000 brave Israelites have God on their side, so they prepare for battle. But there is a problem, God says the force is too large. If Gideon leads these men into battle they will win, because God is going to deliver them, but they would become boastful, saying they did it themselves.
God is saving His people so that they will act like His people. If they take the credit they will end up right back in oppression like they are now. So God cuts the army by allowing all who are afraid to go home. Over two thirds of the men leave, but it is still too great a force. God again cuts the army down from 10,000 to 300.
The warriors God chooses are the ones who stay ready and alert. They bring the water to their mouths so that they can still observe their surroundings. If an attack came while down by water, these men would be ready to fight. And here we find the original 300. God takes a sizable army and cuts it down to 300 fearless and ready men.
Men, would you make the cut? Twenty-two thousand men went home because they were afraid of going into battle with God. Another 9,700 were dismissed because they dropped their guard in battle preparation. Only 300 had the faith to courageously trust God and the discipline to stay alert at all times. Only 300 out out 32,000 made the cut. Would you? Do you have the courage to trust God against an overwhelming enemy? Do you have the discipline to stay alert and ready for an attack at all times?
Let us be men who make the cut. Let us be part of the 300 warriors fit for God's service. Let us be fearless and ready.
"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
To God alone be the Glory!
Strength and Honor
Mt. Moreh (verse 1)
Mt. Moreh and part of the Jezreel Valley (verse 12)
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