Friday, November 11, 2016


"Those that entered, male and female of all flesh, entered as God had commanded him; and the Lord closed it behind him." -Genesis 7.16

The ark is built. The animals are inside. Noah and his family have taken their places. The rain is falling, and God closes the door of the ark. God instructed Noah to put the door of the ark on the side. Through this door the animals walked in pairs. It had to big enough for two elephants to walk side by side, and tall enough for two giraffes to walk through. That's a big door. The video I referenced yesterday shows one of Noah's sons commenting on how heavy the door is, and how they'll have to figure out some way to close it. Fortunately, they didn't have to worry about it, because God took care of it. Everything had been done as God instructed, the time came for the flood, and God closed the door leading to salvation.

Up until this point, the door of the ark was open. I believe that if people would have listened to Noah, repented of their wickedness, and turned to faithful obedience to God, they would have been granted access to the ark. They had over a century, but they refused to listen and repent, and then the moment came when it was too late, salvation was no longer possible. God had given time, but time had run out, and when it did, He closed the door of salvation.

Salvation belongs be to God, it is a free gift that He does not have to extend to His disobedient creation. He would be just in refusing, but His mercy and kindness have led to the opportunity of salvation. God offers it freely, but there will come a time when the offer has expired. In the days of Noah, time ran out when God closed the door of the ark. Just as the door of the ark was closed, one day the gates of Heaven will close.

The time of salvation is now. While you have the breath of life in your lungs, there is still time to receive God's gift of salvation, but time is slipping away. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. Each moment that passes is a moment closer to eternity. One way or another, either by death or the return of Christ, time is winding down. When Jesus died and rose again, the ark of salvation was finished. From that moment until now, we are in that "final week" (Genesis 7.4) when those who will find salvation are entering the ark. The rain is coming, and when it does the door of the ark will be closed and it will be too late.

God is the author of salvation, don't wait for the rain to fall before you seek it.


Peace be with you

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