Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Be Men and Fight

"Take courage and be men, O Philistines, or you will become slaves to the Hebrews, as they have been slaves to you; therefore, be men and fight." -1 Samuel 4.9

The Philistines hear the cries from the Israelite camp, and they become discouraged and terrified. They know the stories form Egypt, how the God of Israel brought the plagues and parted the Red Sea. Now they fear that they are about to face this same God in battle and they are terrified, believing that certain death awaits them.

But in this we see the actions of men. They can surrender, save their lives, but live as slaves for the rest of them. Or they can go out as men, facing the end with courage, dying on the battlefield. This is not to say that the only way for a man to die as a man is on the battlefield against overwhelming odds. What it is saying is that a man looks fear and the strong possibility of loss in the face, and chooses to courageously charge the field anyway. A man chooses to fight the battles he knows are worth fighting, even if it likely to cost him his life. A man knows that there are certain things worth dying for, and he is willing to give his life for a worthy cause.

Men, where do you need to take courage? Where do you need to fight? Is it for your marriage? Is it for the hearts of your children? Maybe it's for your own heart and identity. The battle will be fierce, and there is no assurance of victory. You can choose to play it safe, surrender now before shedding any blood, but it will cost you dearly. Are you willing to sacrifice your family? Are you willing to sacrifice your strength and passion?

Let us be men who take courage in the face of fear. Let us be men and fight.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

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