Friday, November 4, 2016


"Then the Lord said, 'My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.'" -Genesis 6.3

Humanity is fulfilling the command of God to fill the earth, but the humanity that exists is fallen. Mankind is sinful, and is not acting as God intended them to. God says that He will not strive with man forever. He is not going to tolerate their ever increasing wickedness indefinitely. Man is mortal because of his disobedience in Eden. God is just, so He will deal with wickedness, but He is also merciful, and so He provides the opportunity for repentance. God says that He will not strive with man forever, and has given one hundred and twenty years for man to repent.

Many people take this verse to mean that no one will live past the age of 120, but this isn't the case. Following the flood there are several people who pass this age. Genesis 11 lists eight people, born after the flood, by name and gives their ages, all exceeding the age of 120. Abraham and Issac lived to 175 and 180 respectively. God is not setting a cap on the lifespan, but saying that in one hundred and twenty years, if things have not changed, His patience will have reached its limit.

God is patient, but there is only so much sin and wickedness that He will tolerate before He steps in and enforces justice. His mercy is great, and it is limitless to those who genuinely seek it, but the opportunity for His mercy is not eternal. When creation was cursed, God began His plan of restoration, and every day that passes, that plan gets closer to complete fulfillment. Until time runs out, there is the opportunity for mercy. God knows we are fallen humans, He knows we are flesh. Psalm 103.13-14 says, "Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust." God knows who we are and what we're made of. He knows that we are fallen and prone to wander. He shows His patience by extending mercy, but let us not abuse His grace.

God is patient, but because He is just, His patience will one day run out. In Genesis 6 the people are given 120 years, right now the average life expectancy in the United States is just under 79 years. When time runs out, God's patients has reached its limit, and His justice must be enforced. If we accept His mercy now, that justice is satisfied in the sacrifice of Jesus, but if not, we will receive the consequences of our sin. God is patient, but He is also just.


Peace be with you

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