Tuesday, July 1, 2014


"Tell the sons of Israel to raise a contribution for Me; from every man whose heart moves him you shall raise My contribution." -Exodus 25.2

God is preparing a dwelling place for Himself among the people. His presence will be there in a place of residence. But in order for this to be accomplished the people need to raise a contribution. When they left Egypt they plundered the Egyptians because God gave them favor in the sight of the Egyptians. The were slaves, who left as freed rich men. And now God is asking for a portion of what they received so that He may dwell among the people.

But God doesn't want them to give it out of obligation; He only wants those who feel moved to give, to give. He wants the offering to be made freely and joyfully, not out of compulsion. God gave them all that they have, and He's asking for those who are willing to give back so that He can bless them even more.

If we look at our lives honestly, we'll see that everything we have is from God. We came into this world with nothing, not even clothes on our back, but as we go through life we acquire things. Some obtain more than others, but all of us get things because God allows it. The question becomes are we willing to give back to Him? Are we willing to take our stuff, that isn't ours and if it lasts longer than our lives will go to someone else, if it doesn't get thrown out somewhere along the way, and invest it for God?

Men, are you willing to make a contribution for God? Is your heart moving you to invest? And it isn't just with money, though that is the context here. Are you willing to invest your time? Each minute is a gift from God that we didn't earn. Are you willing to invest your talents? Those are things we didn't earn either, God blessed us with them so that we could bless others. Are you willing to invest your experience? Some have lived a long time, and had both success and failures, are you willing to pour those things into the life of a young man you know? Are you willing to invest your life? It isn't your's, and its length is unknown. Are you willing to spend it in service to something greater than yourself?

God asks us to give back to Him from what He has given us. If we are willing the results will be more blessing. God will bless us with His presence. He will bless us with provision. The point of giving is not to receive the blessing, and if we do it that way we've missed the point. The point is obedience and love for God. The people gave because their hearts were moved by all that He had done for them.

How is your heart moved?

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

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