Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Taught War

"Now these are the nations which the Lord left, to test Israel by them (that is, all who had not experienced any of the wars of Canaan; only in order that the generations of the sons of Israel might be taught war, those who had not experienced it formerly)." -Judges 3.1-2

Judges 3 begins by stating that God has left some nations in the land in order to test Israel. The Promised Land was the cross road of the ancient world. Three continents are connected by the land of Israel. It will be a place that is fought over for a long time. God has promised that if Israel remains faithful then no enemy would stand before them. Think about that, had Israel remained faithful to God, Alexander the Great would have fallen before Israel, and the Roman Empire would never have taken possession of the land. But the promise of God is not an excuse fo idle laziness. God would go before them and fight with them, but Israel would still have to fight.

There was a need to train new generations how to fight. They had to learn war, and while school and training are good, it doesn't capture the same aspects as on the job training and experience. In order to learn war properly, the emotions and chaos of the battle field, you have to be on the battle field. We see that God has allowed some nations to remain so that the next generations could learn to do battle.

Israel has the advantage, first if they are faithful, God is with them, ensuring victory. But secondly, these are nations that have heard about the victories Israel has had, maybe even seen some of them first hand. They know that God is with them and that He fights for them. In a sense they are learning in a controlled environment, but is fully real none the less. And this is how we are to learn to fight.

Men, we live in a world at war, and we have been given strength so that we can join God in the battle. He still fights for us and with us, but we need to add our shields to His phalanx. Have you had on the job training? Have you learned under the instruction of another godly warrior how to fight spiritual battles? Have opportunities to test your strength and experience danger and adventure been arranged for you? Are you arranging them for others?

Just as it is crucial that we personally experience God, we must learn to do battle. Just as we must teach and encourage our children to experience God, we must also teach and allow them to fight for God. We must arrange for opportunities for them to have battle field experience in a controlled environment. Let them get a taste of what goes on, while still under your strength and protection. That is how they will best learn, and it is our responsibility to make sure they learn. You get your children for 216 months (birth to 18), and in that time you have to prepare them as best you can.

Let us be men who first learn to fight under the guidance of a godly warrior. And with the experience we gain fighting for God, let us teach others to fight as well.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

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