Monday, June 16, 2014


"You shall not commit adultery." -Exodus 20.14

Commandment seven deals with marriage, and guarding this relationship. It's a big deal. As humans we are made in the image of God, each one of us displaying God to the rest of creation. In marriage you have a man and a woman coming together and becoming one. You have a man, made in the image of God, bearing the masculine half of His heart, the side that is strong and dangerous, being joined to a woman, made in the image of God, bearing the feminine half of His heart, the side that is beautiful and captivating, and becoming one.

It is as one that a couple is able to fully display God to the rest of creation. And it is in the covenant of marriage that the two physically become one. When the two halves of God's heart come together as one, there is the ability to create life. It is a sacred gift, and a powerful one. It is an intimate bond that God has given to men and women to enjoy, but also to witness about Him. God does not want that broken by adultery.

Adultery takes the relationship, the heart of God, and breaks it. It wants the pleasure without the commitment. It's looking for intimacy without having to deal with the hard stuff. It's a sin, and God commands against it.

Men, is adultery part of your life? Some of us have watched it dramatically alter our lives when someone else engages in it, this is the story of my life. My grandfather had an affair, and it did a lot of damage to my family, that is continuing to grow worse. Some are engaged in it now, hoping that no one will ever find out. Let me tell you, your sin will be discovered, and it will destroy your family. Don't go down this road, the price you will pay is not worth the momentary pleasure. But some of us are doing everything we possibly can to avoid ever falling into it. We have seen the damage it can do. We have a desire to be faithful men of God, and we strive daily to be obedient to Him. Where do you find yourself?

Let us flee from adultery, and to set a godly example of a marriage relationship. Let us live in intimacy with our wives that displays God most clearly to creation, strong and beautiful, dangerous and captivating.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

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