Thursday, January 29, 2015

Refusal to Act

"But the sons of Manasseh could not take possession of these cities, because the Canaanites persisted in living in that land. It came about when the sons of Israel became strong, they put the Canaanites to forced labor, but they did not drive them out completely." -Joshua 17.12-13

Manasseh is given land in the Promised Land as well as on the east side of the Jordan. They are a large tribe, but verse 12 says that they could not take possession of their cities because of the Canaanites. At first they are unable to do anything about the problem, but that doesn't last forever. They become a strong people and they get to the point where they can take possession of the cities within their land. They do, but like Judah and Ephraim before them they don't drive out the Canaanites. Instead the make them their servants. They are able to act and do what God has commanded, but they don't.

How many times does this happen? God makes a promise, we get to the point where we are able to claim it, and yet we don't. How often are we able to do what God has commanded us, but we refuse?

Men, are you capable of doing what God has commanded? Are you doing it? If not, why? Israel was commanded to get the inhabitants out of their land, and yet this is the third time in the last three chapters that they allow them to stay as slaves. They are able to do what God has said, and yet they are refusing to act on what God has said.

As the pagan influence remains in the land, Israel will gradually be led astray by it. What could have been a complete blessing from God will end up being forfeited because Israel refused to act on God's command.

Let us always obey God exactly as He instructs us. May we never make exceptions. May we never refuse to act.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

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