Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Way of the Wild Heart, Epilouge: Where Do I Go From Here?

"Don't forget. Don't let this slip away. There is so much set against a man getting the breakthrough he needs in his life, and hanging on to the breakthrough once it comes. We live in a world at war, but much of the battle is so subtle we often don't see its dangers until long after we've fallen prey to them. The busyness of our cultures, the distractions, the way the Church rushes from one fad to the next - all of it comes together to steal from a man the very thing he needs to hold on to. And so I urge you, stay with this. The masculine journey is the central mission of your life."

There has been so much we've gone over this year, and yet we've barely begun to scratch the surface. We've been given a glimpse at the map we are to follow, and even though we find ourselves at different points of the journey, we've just begun to take the steps toward who we were created to be. Stay with this, don't give up, and don't neglect the journey. John suggests re-reading this book, and working through the workbook either on your own or with a group of guys. He mentions Wild at Heart as well. Both of these options are good. And it's important to journey with others. "We're not meant to walk alone."

This blog is here, and in the next few days I'll be sharing what is next now that this study is finished. But there is something essential about a fellowship of men, your own phalanx with your brothers. Guys you can call at 2:00 AM if need be. Guys who can pray for you, and watch your back during battle. Find them, pray that God brings them to you. Find men to invest in you, and men you can invest in.

"Finally, beware the culture of busyness, and its unending craving for 'the next thing.' There are a lot of movements out there in Christendom right now, and they are not all of the same heart. Stay with the journey you've begun here. don't let this slip away. Of course, you know now that my counsel will always first and foremost be, 'ask God.' He knows what you need next. Ask him what he has for you - what friends, what adventures, what battles, what help he has in store. Be intentional. 'Those who are led by the spirit of God are sons of God.' (Rom. 8:14)"

We are His Beloved Sons, brothers, let us always draw near to Him. And may we journey on to become Men of God.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

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