Sunday, December 29, 2013

Where We've Been...

February feels like so long ago, and this year we've covered a lot of material, and before we move forward it's good to look back at where we've been. They whole those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it thing. If we know where we've been, what we've seen, the foundation we've established, we can begin to build on it.

First we looked at Wild at Heart. A book that unveils the secrets of the masculine soul. In the pages we saw three core desires on the heart of every man.

1. A battle to fight
2. A beauty to rescue
3. An adventure to live

These are the things we long for, these are the things we love in the stories and movies that excite us and capture our attention. Deep down we know that these are the things our hearts long for. God made us in His image, and gave us the heart that desires these things. We were made to join Him in battle against evil. We were created to rescue the beauty of creation. We are invited to join Him in an epic adventure of life to the fullest. And once we have identified the longings of our heart, we can begin to focus our lives on living them out.

And so we come to The Way of the Wild Heart. This is a map for the masculine journey. It outlines the main points along the way, and provides some instructions on how to get there, but largely shows us that we have to live intentionally aware of our surroundings, and in constant relationship with God.

The journey begins with the Beloved Son. It is here that we learn our identity, prized and loved children of God, sons of a strong and loving Father. Here we learn that we are loved, and part of this is being shown discipline and given correction. For the journey to be successful we must know who we are, and whose we are. Identity is the first thing that is challenged, and it is attacked longer and harder than anything else. This stage is crucial, because without this, the journey goes nowhere.

Next we grow into Cowboys. Here the focus is on adventure and hard work. A young man learns about his strength and how to use it. He comes to see that he is powerful, and learns to take risks. At the same time he learns to use his strength to make the world a better place. Rooted in his identity, the Cowboy can begin to explore the world and begins to get swept up in the epic adventure.

Eventually the young man enters the stage of Warrior. He begins to really focus on a cause and learns to fight for it. He learns self-discipline and commits himself to preparing for battle. He develops endurance, knowing that battles are long and hard. The tests of the Cowboy stage have prepared him to join the front lines. He now takes his strength and begins to offer and sacrifice it to save others.

As he grows the young man begins to see that there is more to life than battle, and begins the stage of the Lover. Here he begins to notice Beauty, and learns to have his heart loved and romanced by God. He learns to allow himself to be fully loved, and to fully love. He knows how to fight, and now he learns to find rest and refreshment from battle in the beauty the world has to offer.

And when all of this is transpired, the man is ready to become a King. After he has fought to establish peace and order he returns home to rule. His throne is not his for comfort and luxury, but for serving. He has learned to use his strength for others, and now uses his position to better the lives of those he leads. But more than that, he now focuses on friendship with God. He knows that he cannot be a fully effective ruler without the guidance and counsel of God.

Finally, the older man will step down and hand the throne to a younger King, just as he handed the bulk of the fighting over to younger Warriors. But a good man does not fade into obscurity, he becomes a Sage. Now without the burden of ruling he is able to focus on pouring into younger men. He has a life time of experience and wisdom to offer and assist those who are following in his footsteps. But most important to the Sage is his deep and intimate communion with God. He has time now like he didn't have at any other time in his life, and is able to pour into God, and others, like never before.

This is the map we have, this is what we've seen, and this is only the beginning. Let's journey on together.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

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