Saturday, February 1, 2014

Humility Before God

"Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him" -Genesis 17.3a

God shows up and speaks, and Abram's first reaction is perfect, fall flat on his face. This reaction is one of complete surrender and submission. We'll see this reaction time and again throughout the Bible, but this is the first. Abram was the start of a lot, and so it's fitting for him to begin this practice as well.

Humbly on his face, fully surrendered, open, and vulnerable, God is free to speak to a fully captive audience. This is how it always should be. God speaks, we shut up, drop what we're doing, and give our undivided attention. But how often is it like this? How often do we really even seek conversation with God? (Notice it says that "God talked with him".)

When is the last time you really prayed? I have to be honest and say I don't know. Yes, I've talked with God. I've lifted up concerns to Him and presented my requests. I've thanked Him for everything He's provided. But the last time I had this reaction I don't know. I don't know the last time I've just sat, fully open, and listened to God speaking. I don't know the last time I've fallen on my face and listened to God talk. This has to change in my life, and if your life is in the same situation as mine, so does yours.

I've really started to think about where my life is headed career wise. I'm not actively pursuing anything in full time ministry, but am preparing as best I can for when that time comes again. I've started to think about interviewing. Everyone wants to know your plan and your strategy to help the Church grow. Honestly, I don't have one. And I'm wondering what would happen if I answered that question, "We're going to seek God together. When something comes up, we're going to stop right then, and fall on our faces and ask God. And we aren't going to move until He tells us what the plan is."

What if more churches, more pastors, and more Christians took this approach to life? What is God trying to say to us that we are missing because we haven't fallen on our faces before him to listen?

Men, it's time for us to get flat on our faces before God. Let's set aside everything that distracts us and get face down before God. When you're flat on your face you can't look around at anything else. There is nothing to focus on but God. And if we would be Men of God, this is exactly where we need to be.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

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