Friday, February 21, 2014

Pray for Your Family

"Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord answered him and Rebekah his wife conceived." -Genesis 25.21

Rebekah is the second of at least seven, and possibly eight, women to have a miraculous birth in the Bible. She is barren, unable to conceive children, and if Isaac's, the son of promise, wife cannot bear him children, how can the covenant be fulfilled? If you look back to Genesis 24.59, Rebekah had a nurse who came with her when she left her father's house. There is the potential for another "Abram and Hagar" scenario to unfold. But that isn't the approach that is taken. Instead Isaac prays for his wife, and God answers his prayer.

Men, as the spiritual leaders of our families it is our duty, and privilege, to be able to pray for them in a way no one else can. No one else on earth has the intimacy with your wife that you do. No one else knows your children the way you do. And no one else can pray for them the way that you can. No one can lift them up to God the way that you can.

Will you accept your duty and pray for them? Will you lift up your wife's burdens and heart aches to God? Will you hold your children up to God and cover them in prayer? If you won't then who will? Are you willing to surrender this privilege to some other guy?

Men, let us pray, because God hears our prayers. Let us do what we were made to do and lead our families. Pray for them, and watch God work wonders in their lives.

"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

To God alone be the Glory!

Strength and Honor

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